The key numbers will be sales in the third and fourth week.
Another thing to remember that in the publishing business, author advances are based on the expected sales, and profits, the publisher expects. Hitlery's world-record advance assumes world-record profits for S&S.
Typical publishing contracts have a clause for the author returning some of the advance money if the sales don't match expectations. Also, expenses involved in returning unsold books comes out of the author's advance.
Does anyone want to bet whether there is such a standard clause in Hitlery's contract? Or if there is, that it will be enforced? I think her book contract is as big a state secret as her college thesis.
If S&S loses its ass on this deal, it can claim it on its taxes as a bad investment, and the American taxpayer winds up subsidizing an illegal contribution to Hitlery. Is this a great country, or what?