I think we are losing track of my original comment, which was that (A) I don't want them to bring back B5 because it is "done" and (B) the 5th season was a taste of what B5 would have looked like had it kept going. The reason I said that B5 may have run a season too long is that the arc was over by the end of the 4th season. This was a conscious decision on the author's part. The 5th season was decidedly more episodic and not as strong as the seasons for the reasons that we are discussing. The arc was largely over, as was the epic feel.
ST because it was so formulatic and unchanged, could be played around with forever. So much so that horrible spin offs like Voyager could get to the air and run for years just off the name recognition.
But, sadly, they aren't really following the formula. The orignal Star Trek was about seeking out new life and new civilizations and boldly going where no man has gone before. Now Star Trek is written by fanboys (and fangirls) who simply want to write stories about previously explored aliens, situations, and pay homage to their fandom fetish du jour. It's almost as bad as fan fiction. Almost. Actually, sometimes it is as bad.
I believe they are the last ditch attempts to "milk" a franchise. "Joanie loves Chachi" for example.