Oh - a word on your opinion of research. You quoted avowed segregationists who defended their actions in hindsight and ran full speed away from their own outspoken segregationist views - Men who wouldn't have wanted you in their club, either - and neither you nor anyone else have cited any other evidence that it was a Cenntennial honorarium. I quoted the floor leader who introduced the bill and cited to a research report which contains a number of contemporaneous comments on the bill. I'll take mine over yours any day.
Oh - a word on your opinion of research. You quoted avowed segregationists who defended their actions in hindsight and ran full speed away from their own outspoken segregationist views As I said before, I am not from Georgia. Those are just names out of a phone book to me and I have no idea who is or is not a racist.
You are from Georgia and are trying to prove a historical point to me. I am asking that you prove it as historians prove a point: By producing primary source materials and not partisan opinion pieces.
"All Germans in Belgium in 1914 were baby-murdering, nun-raping savage Huns said the British Information Ministry" is wothless as a historical proof.