Its even sadder in this case because Parkview High is no ghetto school. Its student population doesnt hail from lower-income apartment complexes and subdivisions. At Parkview, the parents and students consider their school the crème de la crème of public schools, the clientele upper-crust perhaps and at the very least middle-class.
So I blame parents. You black parents.
Its your fault if your children think academic achievement is uncool, anti-black and pro-white. Its your fault if your offspring are so enthralled with the so-called thug life that they devalue education, hard work and dedication.
And youre especially to blame if your childs sense of black culture means that you have to think and act a certain way, and that to do otherwise means youre acting like whitey.
Its your fault. And youre crippling your kids.
Mandisa wants to pursue acting or a career in the fashion industry. She plans to attend college in New York, her birthplace. Im sure shell be fine.
Its the kids who ridicule her that I worry about. When they succumb to this crippling ignorance, we all lose. Well have fewer doctors, teachers, artists and more. Fewer people to be proud of.***
Its Clarence Thomas's fault. It's Condi's fault. It's Colin Powell's fault. Throw Oreos