Aw come one... women ask for it all the time... the nagging, the petty demands, the mood swings, etc... I mean, just because she asks "Do these pants make me look fat" and you reply "No, you make those pants look fat", is no reason for her to start complaining and stuff... A good knuckle sandwich fixes the problem, and my conscience is clean because she made me do it...
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go trolling on the N.O.W. Message boards...
(I hope everyone knows I was being Sarcastic...)
Here's a story not getting any press coverages, it concerns
the BRAVE fathers serving there country in IRAQ/Middle East
, Risking there lives (Some died in Action) saving there
brothers & sisters in the war of terror/Iraq . If they
survive, and return home?, some of these Brave Good Fathers (U.S. SOLDIERS) will be ARRESTED upon there return.
It happened in Gulf War 1, and it will happen again.
Many of them will lose there childrens, there Jobs,
There driver license, Tax returns, Credit rating,can't use there VA Home loan, etc... Many will fight back and win, many will lose. The ones that loses will face sickness,mental breakdown,depression, drug user,drinker,smokers,violent,criminal, homeless, killer, or kill themselfs. The Child Support Law (1986) The Bradley CS Law, USF42, 666.
Is killing off the good fathers, and making good fathers
become violent and Yes ...killers. They need help ! Shhow mercy toward the fathers, help them alittle, the system set-up by
N.O.W. , Democrats, Lawyers, and other communist groups that fund these groups with alot of funds(Most under
table) must be expose to the light of truth, if not and this continues without a fight, there will be more and more and more stories like this.
Show Mercy to the good fathers.
Will help come to the good fathers ?, I say NO ,won't happen because of deceptions & Lies,etc..., and
It's all about Money,Greed,Power and Evil.
Welcome Home. The land of the ________ ?