In all seriousness - to tout Abraham Lincoln's life and writings as an exercise in and defense of the doctrine of "equality" openly defies readily known and accessable reality. Lincoln had no doctrine of "equality" beyond a political soundbyte that he would turn around and directly contradict on the drop of a dime. To pretend otherwise is to exert blind faith in that which never existed.
Just wait until the Claremonsters show up to argue that Lincoln didn't really say what he said, and that some nonsensical esotericism, to which they only have access, underlies Lincoln's sayings. That has become, of late, their way out of Lincoln's irrefutably existant and frequent self-contradiction on all matters of race, slavery, and equality.
Be warned though. We cannot expect reason to convince them of anything otherwise. The Abratollah has already proclaimed himself Imam and lingers to preach the esoteric Lincoln that only he "knows" in fullness, all to guide the world until his Mahdi returns to cleanse it of the southern "infidels." When the rational demonstrate falsehoods in the Abratollah's teachings, he claims ownership of the form of truth. When that claim is objected to as an exercise in irrationality, he extends his claim to encompass the very same tools of reason that his actions defy and violate. It is all an exercise in the very same circular logic of the Wlat brigade:
The Lincoln is god, therefore the Lincoln is perfect.
The Lincoln is perfect, therefore the Lincoln can do no wrong.
The Lincoln can do no wrong, therefore all who claim he did wrong are in error.
Since all who claim that the Lincoln did wrong are in error, he must have done no wrong.
Since the Lincoln did no wrong, he must be perfect.
Since the Lincoln is perfect, he must be god, and thus his divinity is demonstrated.
The rational observer recognizes the circular idiocy in this manner of thinking, but the Lincolnites, who dwell in irrationality, respond in expected fashion - they erroniously label any such characterization of their logic a scarecrow, only to turn around and indulge in that very same creature of straw that they just claimed was not their own. But point this out to them, make note of the fact that their prophet is a fraud, question the validity of their esoteric claim to the "truth" of that same fraud, draw attention to the reality that their mahdi is as non-existant as the hill he dwells under and they respond not by acknowledging those facts but instead issuing that great racial fatwah of condemnation to tarnish and label you on their own self-proclaimed authority.
There is no claim of reason to the Lincoln cult, no claim to rationality, for their Lincoln is, by definition, an extrarational being that they have determined, by their own arbitrarily exercised extrarational means, to exist beyond the reach of reason itself. That is why this crowd is so dangerous, why their Lincolnian idolatry is so pervasive, and also why they will never admit that they are wrong. But reality dictates that they cannot escape rationality and must ultimately bear its consequences. One cannot worship both God and mammon. A mutual exclusion precludes it.
Criticise the "precious". How could we? </sarcasm>