Yet he would be a criminal for abandoning Islam in almost any Moslem country.
I begin to understand why we have been letting in so many Hispanics (legally and illegally). Hispanics usually are not Moslems and do not convert to Islam in large numbers (unlike African Americans).
Someday, when Sharia law reigns in France, the Christians and other non-Muslims in France will wish they had let in a whole lot of third-world Catholics (nominal or otherwise-- their zeal is not what matters, rather their non-Muslim identity and their unwillingniess to convert to Islam or submit to Sharia law.) Some may hate me for saying this. But for me it is not about saving souls. It is about retaining the spiritual and political freedom the West has struggled so long and hard to achieve.
Even if you were to convince me that Islam was the only true way to reach spiritual salvation, I would be against the spiritual tyranny of Islamic society.