Yes it is. It is very germaine to morals. Each person is a moral agent, not each culture, society, community - those are nonentities and cannot make decisions for me. You make moral choices daily - so do I - and it is absurd to suppose that I make them based on the greater good! Crapola! I make moral decisions - that has to do with morality! Get it? MOrals start with the individual. True, societies make rules, but they cannot decide for a person what he/she will do.
Over the long haul, that is exactly what happens. We educate, we socialize, we propagandize, we provide sanctions where we can to weed out the breeding capacity of the immoral. If we're smart, we make good choices as to what morals we choose to implement by this process. If we aren't, we let some numbskull who thinks murdering daffy old woman and Mideanite babies are just as good moral laws as "thou shalt not steal". Make these decisions for us. But we do make these decisions, no matter how loudly you think otherwise.