You mean like the "widespread looting" in iraq (which, eyewitness accounts show, is not NEARLY as bad as the media would have you believe, but that's ANOTHER story) is all over the news? No, I don't believe it would be, because it isn't politically correct to point out that a religion-based (islamic or any other) private school in this country is teaching hate, ESPECIALLY when one considers the biases of the "mainstream" news media!
Nevertheless, it IS happening, at EVERY whaddis (sp?) islamic school in America (and anywhere else in the world), and no amount of wishful thinking can change this unfortunate truth.
In addition to this, however, you make an excellent point regarding "the hateful rhetoric of the Left in this country that has spawned.....anti-American protestors." I concur with you that this is a significant problem, as well! Not to make light of it, because, again, I think you are dead accurate, at least THIS type of hate doesn't end up with the haters blowing themselves up as they try to kill infidels around them (at least, not YET)!
Stay vigilent, stay armed, and never trust a muslim or a liberal, because both are terrorists, differing amongst themselves only in weaponry and technique!