This is sick.. Who "passed" the law? Did the Calif. State Boards of Medical Examiners do this? Or is it a NAFTA thing? IF NAFTA, how can they interfere with State run board that is in place for "the protection of the public?" If it's because it's Fed, then that alone should be a crime.
Could I scream discrimination if I (being white) went to UCLA Medical school, graduated, wanted to practice in a "rural" community, but didn't take my boards?
This crap has gone way far enough. We've lost Kalifornia to the illegals, and the socialist-damocrats fueled the loss over the last 20-30+ years. The rest of the southwest is next. This is blatant invasion, what's it going to take before we take back our country? Political "diplomacy" and playing "nice nice" just doesn't seem to cut it anymore.
Be interesting to see what Davis does now that polls show Bustamante more popular than him. He might try to get back the white/Anglo and overpopulation/no-growth Dems by... gasp...appealing 187 to the Supreme Court. He could say, "we just can't afford to subsidize everyone now". If a recall IS approved, that would be a long shot tactic he could revert to.
Naaahh. He's too twisted to do something smart like that. It's his own corruption that got him into this mess; he'll never get it. He'll go down trying to bribe someone. He's beyond help.