Interesting choice of dictonaries, cause you missed the real American Heritage part.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is the central idea of that Article in the Bill of Rights. That is commanding statement denoting the founders intent. Nothing else.
The clause, a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state", is an incomplete thought. It is not a statemnt at all, not does it imply, or directly attach some conditional to the intent, or the meaning of the central idea and command of the amendment.
well regulated can't mean there must be rules in place, becasue the central command of the amendment forbids them. The meaning is to be found in the writings of the founders themselves. The dictionaries still hold the meaning of the word regulated. Webster's(A beetter dictionary) has it as, "bringing order and method". You'll probably find something similar in A.H. Order and method implies and also brings skill. THe idea was to develope skill though drill and familiarity with arms, so that individuals were competent in there use.
A little note of history here. THe NRA was founded by Union generals to provide that very service, because they had noted the lack of skill and discipline with arms of Union troops at Gettysburg. They not only continue to provide that service, they defend the very right itself!
You're right, that is an incomplete thought. That's why the clause should not just end there. It states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The full sentence implies that a well-regulated militia is equated with the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The clause is just pointing out a term "militia" that was based on what was a current situation, the British troops oppressing the people. Organized militia, which consisted of the people was what existed at the time. You can't just say that clause doesn't make sense, so we can remove it. They put it there for a reason.
Yes. You are correct. That is another possible definition. However, I don't believe it makes my point any less valid. Does the NRA really bring order to anything? They make bring method, they may bring skill, but it is laws that bring order.