The money has become more important than anything. California's colors have finally shown through. It's a long way from where it was in 98 99. There never was a core belief in the constitution on this site was there.
Barbara/Streisand. I believe wholeheartedly in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I live and breath for restoring them and our Liberty and for dumping the socialist liberal RATs out of their controlling positions in government. That's why I am passionately opposed to allowing any Democrat from gaining or holding office.
I see the Democrats and their socialist platforms as the enemy of freedom, enemy of Liberty and enemy of the Constitution (not too mention just flatout corrupt and their party platform, ie, socialism, slave taxism, gun control, government sanctioned and enforced homosexualism and abortion, etc., as purely evil).
I see dumping the RATS and not allowing them into government in controlling numbers as the first step (note: "first step") in restoring constitutional government. Those who are bent on dumping the Republicans are simply going to reinstall Democrats in their place and forestall any chance of constitutional restoration. What good can that possibly bring?
Here's the roadmap:
- First step: Dump the RATs.
- Elect Republicans.
- Build a controlling supermajority.
- Appoint and confirm conservative judges.
- Repeat at all levels of government.
- As majorities build: dump the least conservative of the Republicans and replace with with more conservative candidates.
- One by one, build cases against existing unconstitutional law and or prior Supreme Court decisions and bring to the newly conservative courts to strike down or reverse.
- Lobby the conservative congress to repeal existing unconstitutional laws.
- Lobby the congress to begin dismantling the socialist welfare state and the police state.
- Build cases for repealing all unconstitutional gun control laws and lobby congress and or the Supreme Court to get it done.
- Repeat for each area where federal government has overstepped its constitutional bounds.
- Repeat above at state and local levels.
- Build a case for amendments to repeal the 16th amendment and abolish the income tax, the IRS, FICA, the SSA, medicare, etc.
- Build a case for an amendment to repeal the 17th amendment and bring to congress and to the people.
- Ensure that the second, fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth amendments are fully restored and enforced.
- Restore state and local government control (ie, the people) over crime, social, welfare, education and environmental issues.
- Enjoy and diligently defend the Liberty newly restored and secured for ourselves and our posterity.
Repeat as necessary.