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Canada shut out of postwar contracts in Iraq
| 4/14/03
Posted on 04/14/2003 6:02:26 AM PDT by areafiftyone
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To: goldstategop
I just hope France, Germany and Russia get the same treatment!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:25:08 AM PDT
(Is he dead yet? He's dead Jim!)
To: areafiftyone
I think we could forgive Germany and Russia on the grounds you should keep your enemies closer but France no way, no how.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:26:26 AM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: areafiftyone
The multimillion-dollar contract to clean up the Iraqi oil fires went to Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, the company U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney ran as chief executive for five years until 2000.Brown and Root are also one of the most qualified companies in the world to do this kind of work. They are well managed and extremely competent. Cheney also lost millions by severing his ties with Halliburton, and as I recall, gave the profits from his stock sales to charity.
These Canadian dummies are just sour grapes and looking for any opportunity to give Bush grief. Screw 'em.
To: areafiftyone
Canada is a brute.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:30:40 AM PDT
(Visit the strange and wonderful.)
To: verity
Is it true that his family crest is in the shape of a horse's patootie?I'm saddened, deeply saddened by the comparison.
To: areafiftyone
The multimillion-dollar contract to clean up the Iraqi oil fires went to Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, the company U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney ran as chief executive for five years until 2000. They don't mention that there are hardly any oil fires, and that Cheney is divested from Halliburton.
To: areafiftyone
"'It appears that the Bush administration really doesn't get it when it comes to the appearance of conflict of interest,' said Steven Weiss of the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington."And it also appears that the Canucks have never heard the parable concerning "biting the hand that feeds you."
Screw 'em!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:33:25 AM PDT
To: goldstategop
Belly Girl: Canada, you shut the hell up. We'll save Iraq!!!
To: areafiftyone
"'It sends the message that if you play the game you are going to enhance your changes in the picking of the spoils,' said Weiss"No, it sends the clear message that we're no longer going to stand for our alleged "allies" stabbing us in the back without facing SOME sort of consequences.
With "friends" like Canadians, who needs France?
posted on
04/14/2003 6:35:51 AM PDT
To: Republican Wildcat
Cheney is divested from Halliburton. I am afraid that according to the liberal Democreeps and all Creeps, Cheney will forever be associated with Halliburton! Cheney could be standing in the middle of the street with a sign saying "Down with Halliburton - You Capitalist Pig" and the Liberal would still say he was involved! They Suck!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:36:10 AM PDT
(Is he dead yet? He's dead Jim!)
To: areafiftyone
Hand wringing, whining socialists. Like vultures, waiting to pick the bones of Iraq.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:36:49 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
- "Canadian companies have been shut out of the bidding for lucrative rebuilding contracts in Iraq" --
Doesn't the Bible say something about "as ye reap, so shall ye sow".
In other words, if the Canadian companies are shut out I say: EXCELLENT. That is what the Canuks deserve. Nothing.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:37:30 AM PDT
(the land of the free and the home of the brave)
To: Roughneck
"Even if Halliburton has "ties" to the Bush Admin, they are still the best company for the job! They are well known and respected within the industry."AND they're located in Texas: they've got it ALL!
posted on
04/14/2003 6:38:48 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
"It sends the message that if you play the game you are going to enhance your changes in the picking of the spoils," said Weiss. So Canada wants their money for nothing and their chicks for free? Sorry, gang, but you should've helped us out when we asked.
To the victor go the spoils--not the sideline slanderers.
To: goldstategop
Canada cut off their own right hand, ey?
posted on
04/14/2003 6:44:48 AM PDT
(Freedom is worth fighting for! America, Land of the Free! Home of the Brave!)
To: buffyt
Something like that. They have no standing to complain. And we'll be damned if we reward them for turning their backs on us when they could have taken a stand on principle.
posted on
04/14/2003 6:46:25 AM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: Tijeras_Slim
"Note to Cretien: Life's tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."
posted on
04/14/2003 6:47:19 AM PDT
(Freedom is worth fighting for! America, Land of the Free! Home of the Brave!)
To: goldstategop
posted on
04/14/2003 6:55:33 AM PDT
(Freedom is worth fighting for! America, Land of the Free! Home of the Brave!)
Comment #39 Removed by Moderator
To: areafiftyone
It appears that the Bush administration really doesn't get it when it comes to the appearance of conflict of interestOf course he understands - it would be a conflict of our interests to treat back-stabbers as friends...
posted on
04/14/2003 7:26:38 AM PDT
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