To: kalt
Ever since Gulf War 1, the totalitarian-left dominated Cultural Anthropology establishment in the United States has cited possible damage to antiquities as a reason for avoiding any kind of decisive action against the Saddam regime. This has been a regular and very shrill theme in Archeology magazine and many others. Given that background, and with Al Reuters as the source, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is called for here.
8 posted on
04/12/2003 7:16:47 AM PDT by
atomic conspiracy
( Anti-war movement: road-kill on the highway to freedom.)
To: atomic conspiracy
Given that background, and with Al Reuters as the source, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is called for here.Well, you read at the end that that there were items in storage due to the dangers of war. Hopefully and presumably these were the most important items.
Of course the criminals are the looters, not us, but it is still, as said above, unfortunate. If there are one or two other museums like this in the country, or if there are parts of this museum they didn't get to, I would think each museum would be worth, if not a tank, at least a Bradley.
To: atomic conspiracy
Ever since Gulf War 1, the totalitarian-left dominated Cultural Anthropology establishment in the United States has cited possible damage to antiquities as a reason for avoiding any kind of decisive action against the Saddam regime. This has been a regular and very shrill theme in Archeology magazine and many others.As you sow, so shall you reap. The archeologists made peace with Saddam, as did the anthropologists and academics of all sorts. Now, the oppressed millions are having none of it. They know perfectly well this museum was a *part* of the oppressive structure that sat over them. I'm sure Saddam's people had receptions there, and it was full of French academics sorting their pottery shards. Screw them. I fully support the looting of this museum. The antiquities will reappear on the free market and find new homes in time.
To: atomic conspiracy
34987123 others on this long thread may have mentioned this, but I wonder why the curator isn't thanking the US for NOT bombing the museum. Lost and looted articles are at least in one piece and can be begged, borrowed, bought or stolen back.
352 posted on
04/13/2003 4:01:08 PM PDT by
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