To: kalt
"I hold the American troops responsible for what happened to this museum." I blame the looters...
3 posted on
04/12/2003 7:08:18 AM PDT by
(Two wrongs don't make a right...but three lefts do!)
To: Drango
I wonder what our side of the story is--why we didn't patrol the museum. Of course, this is a Reuters story, so I'm not surprised that we are left to guess what our side of the story might be.
5 posted on
04/12/2003 7:10:40 AM PDT by
To: Drango
check ebay for some cool stuff now
59 posted on
04/12/2003 8:52:19 AM PDT by
To: Drango
>>I blame the looters... <<
haha! yes! The looters looted, not the troops.
It's such a tiresome song and dance---The U.S. is blamed for everything wrong in the world. I suspect we should be prepared for even more imaginary blame in the months to come -- from the usual places (Arabs, U.N., Western Europe, Africa's starving, American-hating Americans, and even the Iraqi people).
86 posted on
04/12/2003 9:18:41 AM PDT by
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