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To: Lauratealeaf
You are trying to pretend that the social contract never included that people should risk thier lives to save property....which is trying to deny reality. Yes soldiers should and do risk their lives to save property. Suppose a guy breaks into your house, you run out and call the police. The guy is in your house taking your stuff. Does the police man say, "No way I am going in there, your stuff is not worth my life. " Hell no! He goes in there with his gun drawn and you expect him to do that even for a crummy stereo and a diamond engagement ring. THAT IS HIS JOB.

We screwed up and we have not heard the last of it.

217 posted on 04/12/2003 10:51:07 PM PDT by Theresa (on)
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To: Theresa
*Sigh* You are trying to equate a domestic criminal issue with a war zone. Impossible to do.

A war has been and is still being fought with minimal collateral damage and as many mosques, hospitals, schools, and other public places being spared if at all possible. At the same time we have been trying to clear mines so we could get humanitarian aid into the people.

We are now transitioning into civil infrastructure and keeping the peace. First things first.
222 posted on 04/12/2003 11:04:21 PM PDT by terilyn
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To: Theresa
Yes soldiers should and do risk their lives to save property

Soldiers perform their missions and our soldiers in Iraq have done so under extremely dangerous conditions. Some are now deployed to guard hospitals and that is so much more important than guarding the museums. I read on Yahoo News that the museum administrator had promised to have guards with guns to protect the museum from looting. It is his failure, not that of our troops.

223 posted on 04/12/2003 11:04:22 PM PDT by Lauratealeaf (Iraqis say, Good, Very Good, Bush Good!)
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