"Nazi" is an abbreviation for the National Socialist Party.
Were you joking?
I doubt he was. I had an argument with a couple of libs here at work a couple of years ago about this very subject. "Were the Nazi's a party of the right, or a party of the left". They said, with some justification, that the name really doesn't matter. After all Saddam's forces were the Republican Guard, and that doesn't mean they liked Ronald Reagan, or George Washington for that matter. Many sociast countries have "Republic" in their name, even though they are about as from from a "Republic" as they could be.
However the Nazis used government to control society, in economic as well as social affairs. That's makes them socialist in my book, and thus leftists. They certainly weren't the party of "Rugged Indivdualism" were they, nor were the Facists, nor the Japanese militarists, although the latter was farther from the general socialist ideal than the others. Some say the Nazi party was a creation/tool of the German Industrialists, but in reality they were used and controlled by the Nazis just as everyone else was.