She always has fabulous guests who know their stuff, she always asks to-the-point questions, and she NEVER gets in the way. She is NEVER the star.
I agree. As someone who originally protested to FNC when Greta was hired from CNN, I now have to say I've been very impressed with her wartime coverage with "her generals" and especially her shows about terrorism. There is definite SUBSTANCE to the material she brings forth, and each topic is usually explored - without a lot of shouting - in-depth, unlike some of the other FNC shows (at times).
I have to admit, when she was covering the missing children or the Gary Condit situation, I found her shows with Mark Garagos, etc. to be pretty tedious (when it was the same thing, night after night). Oddly, her legal knowledge and OJ trial reporting background is probably why she was hired... I think she's learned quite a bit (along with the rest of us) from her nightly military guests. AND... surprise, surprise... she seems quite patriotic and very supportive of our troops as well.
You know, given her case and that of Geraldo I have to wonder:
How much of the expressed opinions of these people when they're working for other networks has to do with their sincere beliefs, and how much has to do with "political correctness?"
I know that when Bob Goldberg(?) (author of Bias) dared to write that "open letter" alleging liberal bias at CBS, his career there was pretty much through.
Maybe Greta was really a "normal American" all along, but at the "Clinton News Network," you can't act that way and keep your job at the same time.
Okay, so maybe, if that were true, it's not real courageous, but I submit that most of us "go along to get along" most of the time in our lives.