To: rs79bm
Would you rather have this Nancy? I mean, it WAS free of charge...
7 posted on
04/10/2003 4:51:52 PM PDT by
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To: smith288
It's amazing a Democrat is complaining about spending on anything. OR, is it simply partisian politics? I think the latter.
11 posted on
04/10/2003 4:53:22 PM PDT by
To: smith288
Would you rather have this Nancy? I mean, it WAS free of charge... Actually, the cleanup costs alone far exceeded what this war will cost. So in essence, if all she is worried about is how much of our money she has to spend, the war was cheaper. Then add the cost in terms of lives and there is no comparison.
To: smith288
"it WAS free of charge..."
Actually, 9/11 cost us much more than $100 billion. It was probably close to $1 trillion or more. If it wasn't for Bubba, Nancy and those like them, it may have never happened. Thank the Lord we have a strong president who doesn't listen to Nance or the other scum of the earth and does the right thing. Thank God for President Bush.
34 posted on
04/10/2003 5:04:53 PM PDT by
To: smith288
Free of charge? According to who?
117 posted on
04/10/2003 7:06:26 PM PDT by
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