What? You think a nice camelburgher wouldn't be just as good as some corn fed Nebraska beef, t-bone or sirloin cut? :) I would agree, although having grown up on Nebraska beef raised and fed on my uncle's farm, (and Lord how I miss it) so I guess I'm a little biased. :) Plus we had eggs and fryer chickens that we bought from my grandma.Grandma had "free range chikens" way before that became cool.
I'd walk a mile on a camel ... steak ;)
having grown up on Nebraska beef raised and fed on my uncle's farm, (and Lord how I miss it) so I guess I'm a little biased.
You should be. I grew up on good Leggs' Slaughterhouse beef here in Crowley, nicely aged. Dad was a lodge brother of the owner, and there are no vegetarians/vegans in my family. He bought a side of beef at a time and stocked both our big chest-type freezers, which lasted our family of four about 6 months. (Of course, we ate hamburger just about every day for the last month or two).
I had to keep the tradition going - I get beef called "beefalo" (cow/buffalo hybrid) from a neighbor who raises them. The meat is so lean that you actually have to add a few tablespoons of oil to brown it. And yes, I eat a lot of hamburger the last two months out of every six.
Plus we had eggs and fryer chickens that we bought from my grandma. Grandma had "free range chikens" way before that became cool.
I don't know of any other way to raise chickens other than to let them go in the back yard. I've two dozen (Arancuna, Production Red, Rhode Island Red, Dominicker). right now. I couldn't eat one of them though - they're old and would be tough as that aforementioned camel steak. The hens are almost pets, and are marvelous at keeping the grasshopper population around here at bay. I haven't had to buy eggs in months.