Who's "we", Kemosabe? When "administrative (in)efficiency", as you so disarmingly put it, consistently characterises innocent folk as terrorists whe have a loss of political freedom. That is a situation where the "public servant" has become the "public master". The bureaucracy exists to serve the public. Or it does in a free country.
Son, if you want to kiss the ass of Bureaucratus Maximus for the rest of your life, that's your problem. And at your age, that'll be a long time. As for me, I'll spend my declining years trying to turn Bureacratus Maximus into Bureaucratus Minimus.
Quack! Quack! Quack!
When "administrative (in)efficiency", as you so disarmingly put it, consistently characterises innocent folk as terrorists whe have a loss of political freedom.If consistency is your evaluative criterion, then your argument fails on its face and your problem is one of basic reasoning skills. Someone having the same exact name as an Arab terrorist is a special case, hardly evidence of consistently characterizing anyone of anything. And, in this case, the no one was "characterized"; rather, he was simply misidentified, and therefore inconvenienced (allowed to go on his way once the mistake is verified etc).