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To: The FRugitive
Please, freepers, send some of the quotes from DU to FOX NEWS...hopefully they will report what some in the democratic party ranks are saying about this.
To: The FRugitive
A bunch of spoiled brats in dire need of a good ass-whuppin'.
3 posted on
04/09/2003 8:20:13 AM PDT by
To: All
4 posted on
04/09/2003 8:20:26 AM PDT by
Support Free Republic
(Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
To: The FRugitive
"it's staged!" And they thought we were cynical. At least we had the sense to realize the bombing of Bosnia/Yugoslavia was real, even if the motives were the same as a Hollywood movie implied.
5 posted on
04/09/2003 8:21:58 AM PDT by
(Si vis pacem, para bellum....)
To: The FRugitive
I could only stomach about 4 of those posts.
The worst was the one who said "They're (American soldiers) shooting up people at the checkpoints at far distances. So I just can't believe the pictures of our soldiers standing next to those Iraqis!"
To: The FRugitive
I posted 2 very polite but informative posts to explain that MOST Democrats support the War on Iraq. I was immediately booted off ... no posting allowed.
DU is too far left and in fact I believe most are COMMIES and 'Workers of the World' and Green Party freaks.
The are also so utterly stupid. They do not have a clue.
7 posted on
04/09/2003 8:22:12 AM PDT by
(primates capitulards toujours en quete de fromage!)
To: The FRugitive
The best thing to do with DU is to ignore it. They make great enough fools of themselves with no help from FR.
8 posted on
04/09/2003 8:22:38 AM PDT by
(If you think education is expensive - try ignorance)
To: The FRugitive
Ok, I admit it, I went to DU for the first time just now. Its pretty funny, although I must give credit to SOME posters there who see the truth (stealth freepers?).
Anyways, threads like these should have a (SCHADENFREUDE ALERT)!
10 posted on
04/09/2003 8:23:22 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
And lots of anger, sadness, fear and loathing. Truth and freedom is always terrifying to the ignorant selfish masses who lack the self-control to make freedom work.
12 posted on
04/09/2003 8:23:53 AM PDT by
(Si vis pacem, para bellum....)
To: The FRugitive
Ugh! Remind me to stay away from that site. I need a shower, a shovel, and some boots to deal with the cr*p flowing from Dummies United.
14 posted on
04/09/2003 8:24:55 AM PDT by
(Visit the strange and wonderful.)
To: The FRugitive
And lots of anger, sadness, fear and loathing. Yes, BaghdadUnderground is in turmoil
15 posted on
04/09/2003 8:25:51 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
From another TRAITOR on this historic day posted just a few minutes ago:
"Our regular weekly morning long sales meeting has just been temporarily postphoned so that we all can go into our boss's office to watch "history being made"! Our boss just called from his car phone so that he could let us know it is happening and to tell her it was okay to postphone so we all could go watch. I am so incredibly sick of this shit!!!"
Can you believe these morons!!!????
17 posted on
04/09/2003 8:26:21 AM PDT by
(KIM JONG IL is having another bad underwear day.)
To: The FRugitive
I hope the 'rats find it downright fugly....
To: The FRugitive
Thanks to the MODERATOR. This thread is needed, and we need to bookmark for history!
19 posted on
04/09/2003 8:26:55 AM PDT by
(KIM JONG IL is having another bad underwear day.)
You might enjoy this thread.
21 posted on
04/09/2003 8:29:40 AM PDT by
doug from upland
(Send Al Sharpton 5 bucks so he can wreak havoc in his party)
To: The FRugitive
They'd rather see American troops defeated by a dictator than American troops victorious under a Republican Commander in Chief. Their warped, repulsive, narcissistic ideology trumps patriotism every time...
23 posted on
04/09/2003 8:31:11 AM PDT by
(You can have no better friend and no worse enemy than a U.S. Marine.)
To: The FRugitive
OK, I don't do it often but I will admit I snuck over there for some sadistic thrills. I give it about 30 minutes before it's locked out as it was on 5 November of last year. At that time the only way about half of them could get by the first screen was (snicker!) to link in from FR. Heh heh...
To: The FRugitive
Holy Cow--- That's the first time I've ever been to that site. The devil hates the fact that now there will be freedom of religion in that part of the world. These people have been totally deceived. Thanks to God and to George Bush who would not be tempted to give in to the UN or any of these lost souls who tried to undermine the freeing of the oppressed Iraqi people.
30 posted on
04/09/2003 8:36:48 AM PDT by
(No more rhyming, and I mean it! ..Anybody got a peanut.....)
To: The FRugitive
And a couple of Human shields confronting US Marines in less than welcoming manner.
One of them was confronting a US soldier saying
"I'm going to come and bomb your country you f**k, its going to be another 9/11"
Not very peaceful.
this entire thing is a PR event. The US grabbed a bunch of Iraqis, gave them money or somesuch, and told them to go tear down the statue. It's all really quite pathetic
31 posted on
04/09/2003 8:36:51 AM PDT by
(Keep doing what you always do and you'll keep getting what you always get)
To: The FRugitive
Another misanthropic, self-hating American pro-Saddam thread at DUWTF!? What are they celebrating? How do you celebrate and cheer on the imperalistic thugs that just dropped 20,000+ bombs and missiles on your country, flattened your cities, and murdered hundreds-- if not thousands--of your friends and neighbors. I just don't understand this world anymore.
These people at DU are in meltdown, just praying for the Arab street to rise up and assault America with terrorist attacks in order to discredit Deorge W.
What a bunch of sick, cynical, uncompassionate bastards!
Here's another good one: The Saddam Statue "Incident" Was A HUGE Mistake
How do they live with themselves over there at DU?
33 posted on
04/09/2003 8:38:12 AM PDT by
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