American's Knowledge of the U.S. Constitution (May, 2002), a nationwide survey commissioned by Columbia Law School which "revealed that an alarming number of voting age Americans have serious misconceptions about the Constitution and Bill of Rights".
Marine Shouted Down at UNLV full text @ link
A Marine recruiter seeking to sign-up law students for the judge advocate general program was shouted down by a group of faculty and administrators at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. The Marine was forced to cease his presentation to students interested in the program after anti-military faculty and administrators turned up the volume on a video promoting gays in the military and began speaking over his presentation.
"We have a group of people over there that really hate the military," UNLV Regent Tom Kirkland remarked about his school. If UNLV faculty and administrators continue to block military recruiters from talking with students, Kirkland suggests firing those who inhibit the ability of recruiters from the armed forces to speak freely and meet with students.
American Flag Banned on Campuses Across the Nation
Who Will Defend American Values? Eighty-four percent of college students today do not believe that Western culture is superior to Arab culture according to a newly released poll funded by Americans for Victory Over Terrorism (a project by and former Secretary of Education William Bennett.
The Mission of Patrick Henry College is to train Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding. In order to accomplish this mission, the College provides academically excellent higher education with a biblical worldview using classical liberal arts core curriculum and apprenticeship methodology.
The Mission of the Department of Government is to promote practical application of biblical principles and the original intent of the founding documents of the American republic, while preparing students for lives of public service, advocacy and citizen leadership.
God has ordained three primary social institutions to order human affairs: the family, the church, and civil government. Each of these institutions honors God when it operates under the principles of His word within its God-given scope of authority:
Civil Government. God himself has ordained government and commands that everyone must submit to government; moreover, there is no authority except that which God has established. (Romans 13: 1-5) Consequently, he who rebels against lawful authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment upon themselves. It is necessary to submit to government, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. We are to pray for all who hold public office, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (Proverbs 14: 34-35; I Timothy 2: 1-2)
Some governments are not legitimate; some authorities are not lawful. (Hosea 8:1-4) These are governments that do not recognize or that choose to ignore that human beings are created in God's image and therefore are entitled to the enjoyment of certain rights and responsibilities that inhere in their nature. Such societies and such governments are under God's judgment. (Jeremiah 18: 7-10) Nevertheless, there is a proper way to rectify this situation.
In keeping with scriptural principles and the American Declaration of Independence, we recognize that "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind is more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed." But when such a government 1) commands disobedience to God, 2) enjoins the right and duty of human beings to worship God, 3) denies other God-ordained rights by extreme oppression and tyranny, or 4) "when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object (tyranny), evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism" it is the right and duty of godly men and women "to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." Importantly, this action must be taken in accordance with God's laws and in submission to other legitimate authorities, anarchy being as illegitimate as tyranny. (Jeremiah 32: 32-35; Acts 5: 29)
While there are various types, scopes and levels of government, there are some basic principles that God requires all general governments to follow. (Jeremiah 18: 7-10) Moreover, there are other principles that, while not commanded, ought to be followed. All of these principles are derived from the tenor of the whole of scripture and from God-given reason, which makes plain the fact that human beings are created in God's image and should live as he intended human beings to live-in ordered liberty-and not as beasts subject to ownership and coercion; and that they should govern themselves in equal submission to the laws of nature and nature's God. (Genesis 1-2)
Government and Law. Any legitimate system of government must be built on the dual realizations that all people (i) bear God's image and are therefore entitled to enjoy a number of fundamental, inalienable rights, but (ii) are tainted by sin and therefore cannot be trusted to be free of all government restraint. Importantly, sin affects not only those governed, but also those who govern. In the words of James Madison:
If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
Therefore, governmental and legal systems:
"It's Patrick Henry against the world"
These were the words of the tournament director at the national championship tournament held this past weekend at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA).
Over fifty teams, from some two dozen colleges--including many major universities such as University of Texas, University of Arkansas, California State University at Long Beach, Weber State, Texas A&M, University of North Texas, and University of Texas at Arlington--competed in the national tournament requiring undergraduate students to argue a mock case before the "Supreme Court of the United States."
The participating colleges brought from one to eight two-student teams. PHC and the University of North Texas both had eight teams, while the host school, UTA had six teams. All other schools had fewer teams.
All students winning trophies were given the title "All American" for their efforts. Every PHC student won a trophy. There were 32 trophies awarded (some for teams, but we count these as one award.) Of the 32, Patrick Henry students won 16 trophies--all other colleges combined won 16 trophies. The combined student population of all other schools is estimated to be over 200,000 students. A school of 200 students went up against that aggregate group.
Yes and no. You can say more or less whatever you want, but that's not what these idiots and cultural Vandals are after. They want to be respected, and if necessary they want you to be forced to respect their moronic ideas.
Some ideas are so stupid they do not even merit discussion. For instance, gay marriage is such a dumb idea that it should not even be entertained; for entertaining such an idea only further legitimizes it as something within the realm of reasonable ideas.
Righteous contempt needs to make a comeback if we are to recover our culture.
I, as dean, authorized a few faculty to set up a competing table to 'ameliorate,' as the Association of American Law Schools requires, the effects of the military's discrimination policy against gays and lesbians," Morgan told Campus Report. UNLV Law School is a part of the Association of American Law Schools, which decrees that its members distribute information to counter the military when it sends representatives to campus to recruit.
This is tantamount to the AALS and UNLV saying that the law students they are educating, or should I say, indoctrinating, are so devoid of legal intellect that they cannot independently form their own opinion regarding the military's policy.