Totalitarian regimes are a threat to everyone. Islamic terrorism is a product of totalitarian islamic regimes, and it dealt a blow to the US on 9/11.
But of course, there is a theory out of France and widely supported by certain groups of "Libertarians" that the 9/11 attacks were actually carried out by the Bush administration using remote-controlled planes. You wouldn't happen to fall in that particular little group, would you?
These people genuinely hate this country. They tolerated Clinton... yes tolerated him... barely, but now that he is gone, their full revulsion of our country is baring it's ugly teeth.
These are some sick people. They genuinely don't care how many people Saddam kills, tortures, has raped etc, if it doesn't help their anti american cause.
Saddam can kill a million people for a quarter of a century, and they are outraged that less than 1% of that number will die in the liberation of these people.
Makes me ashamed to ever consider myself a democrat once. This is not the party of Scoop Jackson and Patrick Moynihan... these are malcontent traitors who feel so guilty by their upper middle class existence, that they enjoy the squallor of other people in that it helps them feel morally smug and superior.
Nice try at a smear btw. How about you stay on topic instead of introducing wacky fallacies and generalizations?