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Jailed Iraqi children run free as Marines roll into Baghdad suburbs
Agence France-Presse ^
| April 8, 2003
Posted on 04/08/2003 9:55:33 AM PDT by HAL9000
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To: Coop
People can argue about what was implied or what wasn't. The President obviously hoped the Iraqi people would rise up against Hussein. I think you need to follow the money to predict who will rebel against Saddam. Sadly, the most prosperous also owe the most to the current government. Not to mention the army.
When we look back at the fighting in a few months and ask whether it was worth it, we need to ask whether the oppressed benefitted -- not the upper middle class.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:19:36 PM PDT
Check this out....
posted on
04/08/2003 12:19:45 PM PDT
To: finnman69
He put kids in prison. Well, we make them go to public school for 12 years. ;^)
posted on
04/08/2003 12:20:23 PM PDT
(Regime change began at home.)
To: hawkaw
No, because we were using him as a counterweight to Iran who at that time was our enemy. Times change so do policies, some faster than others.
To: dogbyte12
Somebody with a strong stomach needs to log the responses at DU. Maybe in 2004, it can be brought out to remind us of who these folks are. I am physically nauseated. They believe either the story is false, it is true or so what... propaganda... we have juveniles in prison too so who cares if Saddam jails 5 year olds, etc. The DUh's are one of the sickest groups around. I've taken screen shots of that post and a few others. They also have posted a picture of a poor Iraqi boy that had lost his arms. They actually take delight in every failure. They tried posting it over here but got "zotted". A truly sick bunch.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:25:10 PM PDT
To: KantianBurke
Burma's been under a dictatorship for almost 40 odd years and last time I checked hasn't caused us any harm. Of course they haven't. At least as far as we know :).
That's hardly the point, though. There's still a threat - and their neighbours are feeling the point of the knife quite acutely. Burma is currently streaming muslims into Bangladesh, and things seem to be approaching a snapping point. More, Burma has been in transition from British colony to Military "Socialist" regime to something that seeems to be tipping more and more islamic and is to some degree in turmoil.
How about you stay on topic
How about you answering the question? Or will I find the answer if I go over and read LibertyForum?
posted on
04/08/2003 12:25:27 PM PDT
(~ In waters near you ~)
Actually I'm not going to describe what I saw there because what I saw was so horrible that it can be used by those who would want to promote war with Iraq, and right now I'm waging peace. That's some pretty nice situational ethics he's practicing there. Screw innocent children because he's trying to prevent war. This isn't pro-peace, it's evil.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:28:14 PM PDT
To: HAL9000
Calling Susan Sarandon, Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Janine Garafolo, Dixie Chunks, Alec Baldwin, etc etc etc...............................
posted on
04/08/2003 12:29:02 PM PDT
(Can you say President Hillary, Mistress of Darkness? Me Neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: COBOL2Java
I believe it's a demonic mindset. They're truly deceived. This is not just a war between right and left in this nation. This is a spiritual war of huge proportions for the souls of mankind. The left has bought into that mindset.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:29:12 PM PDT
(GOD is still in control!)
To: Use It Or Lose It; FreedomHammer
We were watching an old INDIANA JONES movie the other night, when they were staying in a huge fancy palance, and there were caves and tunnels under it, and kids were being held, chained at ankle, to do slave labor.....
Yes, Iraq is like a bad nightmare of a Hollywood movie!
posted on
04/08/2003 12:30:48 PM PDT
(Can you say President Hillary, Mistress of Darkness? Me Neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: Marysecretary
The Left doesn't want to be judgemental, unless THEY are judging US
posted on
04/08/2003 12:31:31 PM PDT
(Can you say President Hillary, Mistress of Darkness? Me Neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: Cachelot
Could you please post some sources regarding Burma and your claims of Islamic infiltration?
And no I'm not a member of Libertyforum and no I don't hold any paranoid fantasies regarding 9-11. But I also don't appreciate being forced to answer that question in the first place. Its akin to LBJ's old campaigning tactic regarding his accusation against one of his opponents about pig f^&*( - "of course its untrue! But just watch him deny it!"
posted on
04/08/2003 12:31:54 PM PDT
(The Federal govt should be protecting us from terrorists, not handing out goodies)
To: Chancellor Palpatine
Where were you while FDR was giving half of western Europe to Stalin or Truman refused to let MacArthur deal with the Red Chinese or when LBJ made Haiphong Harbor and Hanoi sanctuaries immune to bombing? Where were you when Bush I turned his thumb up and let Sadam live to fight another day? I think I have a pretty good grasp on who the enemies of freedom actually are. I think I have a very good grasp of what Americans need to do if we are to remain free. Tabling recovery of our Constitutional rights until it more convenient or we don't have a war to fight is not the right answer. Things like the Patriot Act, much of what passes for Homeland Security measures, and much of the entrenched incompetence in government pose a clear and present danger to Americans and our freedom. Acting like Neoanderthrals (uh)..cons, neocons, ranting about almost extinct folks dressed in sheets or bellicosing on the butcher of Baghdad are distractions that detract from common goal setting and the building of alliances needed to send Democrats to the Ash-heap of History. Just because I am not your friend, it doesn't necessarily mean that we don't share some common goals and could easily become allies in a fight to recover some of our lost freedoms.
To: B. A. Conservative
"or bellicosing on the butcher of Baghdad are distractions that detract from common goal setting and the building of alliances needed to send Democrats to the Ash-heap of History."
Just to clarify: Are you saying that we shouldn't be in Iraq or free Iraq from Saddam?
posted on
04/08/2003 12:36:53 PM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: buffyt
You hit that nail right on the head! I am surrounded by them up here. One of my favorite lines is, "The marxists love the masses. It's people they can't stand." And it's the truth.
posted on
04/08/2003 12:37:51 PM PDT
(GOD is still in control!)
To: HAL9000
There should've been GIANT American flags on the vehicles that liberated these kids, so they and their families will forever be on our side.
This we-don't-want-to-be-seen-as-conquerers crap is being overdone.
To: EternalVigilance
posted on
04/08/2003 12:50:07 PM PDT
To: HAL9000
Get this - I posted this article to a French guy, and know what his response was?
"Now the question is, wouldn't it have been better to achieve the same result through peace?"
Still trying to get out of him HOW it could've been done through peace... so far all he's added to that is:
"Take out the Baath party.
Using a peaceful method."
*sigh* French...
To: PistolPaknMama
Thank you so much for your willingness to be involved in this! RonF posted some information and a link at #141 and I'm also waiting to see if Tonk has an address for us.
To: HAL9000; *war_list; W.O.T.; Dog Gone; Grampa Dave; blam; Sabertooth; NormsRevenge; Gritty; ...
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