To: WaveThatFlag
I'm not at all sure there should even be a role for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. These are the people who were responsible for building and protecting the Palestinian terror camps, where hatred has been breeding for two or three generations. Even the food distribution is questionable, since they seem to manage mainly to feed the wrong people and starve the needy. As for UN medical help, do we really need to send in a bunch of UN condom-distribution teams, complete with abortionists and tubal litigators?
2 posted on
04/08/2003 7:27:41 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: WaveThatFlag
The U.N. itself has proven the laughability of the notion that it is a serious international body with the ability to create and sustain a government in such a volatile place.
The U.S. would defeat its own purpose if it liberated Iraq only to turn it over to the U.N. - the U.N. can't even stand up under its own power!
To: WaveThatFlag

Is this Mosque in North America with its angry mulla not imperialism of another sort?
To: WaveThatFlag
I was watching Pat Robertson and he was interviewing some high level Iraqi. (I can't remember his name but I saw him on FOX before). He said the UN is the worst choice to lead the post Iraq government. He said the UN is "corrupt and inefficient", and that they are not a governing body, but a club where members jockey for power.
5 posted on
04/08/2003 7:35:13 AM PDT by
I still care
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