To: madg
Checking back through your posts reveals that you are obsessed with sexual entries. Don't you ever think about anything else? Get a life. I pray you are not a teacher or anyone else with access to children. I will teach my own about sex thank you very much. And I will definitely teach them about the deviants out there that mean to hurt/exploit them. My youngest always asks me if there is really such things as monsters. Right now I tell him "no there is only bad people that act like monsters". His education will be a life long process until he is old enough to make his own decisions.
8 posted on
04/09/2003 8:19:32 PM PDT by
(LETS GET IT ON!!! The price of freedom is vigilance. Tyranny is free of charge.)
To: Kudsman; madg
Checking back through your posts reveals that you are obsessed with sexual entries. Don't you ever think about anything else? Get a life. My experience with madg's posts leads me to believe he's FR's assigned activist from the gay lobby
11 posted on
04/10/2003 9:14:36 AM PDT by
(Heavily armed, easily bored, and off my medication) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson