To: Liz
Ahhhhh, nature, don't you just love it?
3 posted on
04/07/2003 5:06:30 PM PDT by
To: TalBlack
Ahhhhh, nature, don't you just love it? Better than it loves us, apparently. Incidentally, would any Freeper who sneezes on his keyboard PLEASE not hit 'enter'.
6 posted on
04/07/2003 5:12:24 PM PDT by
To: TalBlack
"Ahhhhh, nature, don't you just love it?" I hope you're being sarcastic. I'm no biologist, but the chance of such a 'teaming up' of a virus with a bacterium has a distinctly artificial ring to it...
8 posted on
04/07/2003 6:13:41 PM PDT by
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