Jay SUS Mo! Haven't you learned anything from hanging out with me??
Wafer Sawing: Silicon chips are made on thin round pieced of silicon. (The chip monks were reminded of communion wafers) Hundereds of chips or die (The gamblers were reminded of the craps shoot getting good parts), which need to be separated. This is usually done with a machine tha has a VERY thin saw blade go between the individual rows and columns of die (for some reason the plural of die is die, not dice)
Eutectic Die Attach: the loose die are stuck to the package using an alloy that is mixed to have a definite melting point rather than going through a mushy not quite liquid phase. Such alloys are called Eutectic, Eu=good tec=art (as in a technical art) tic=characteristic.
Wire Bond: attached the little wires between the die and the big wires the user solders to.
Hermetic sealing: Closes the package with the Seal of Hermes to keep out moisture, etc. (vacuum joints were orignally made with mercury, what the Romans called the Greek God Hermes)
And you thought the Old Gods were dead...