And all that aside, I DO pray for our soldiers. I have many, many friends in the service, and wish them the best.
1. OBL wants American troops out of Saudi Arabia. But of course, we were there because Saddam invaded Kuwait and was fixing to take Saudi.
2. OBL ranted about the UN sanctions against Iraq. Again, done because of Saddam, necessary because of Saddam.
3. OBL of course hates our support of Israel and wants a Palestinian state. But there will never be a Palestinian state as long as they keep terror-bombing Israeli civilians, and they will keep terror-bombing as long as Saddam pays them $25,000 a pop.
So to me, Salman Pak aside, Ramsi Yousef aside, Saddam is a virus weakening our system while we fight cancer, so he's gotta go. JMHO.