To: Eala
We all know what motivates these folk. The same things that motivate people like Clinton, Daschle, Rangle, Schumer, Couric, Sarandon, Vidal, Gore and so many more! They all hate the father figure in their sad, pathetic lives and they've transferred that hate onto the American flag.
To: O.C. - Old Cracker
Of course not, when we support our troops, we support their goals, we support their Commander in Chief and we definitely support our nation. The hypocrites are way too naive to think we believe they support our wonderful troops.
52 posted on
04/06/2003 8:38:27 PM PDT by
To: O.C. - Old Cracker
They all hate the father figure in their sad, pathetic lives and they've transferred that hate onto the American flag.I've never thought of it that way, but I believe you may have a point there. My mother's father was very abusive, and my mother is a virulent, hate-filled leftist. On the other hand, I do not know my father, and I do not hate, nor am I a leftist. (Of course, taking the father out of the picture in no way guarantees a conservative child--it just worked out that way in my case.)
69 posted on
04/06/2003 9:56:01 PM PDT by
(9 out of 10 bloodthirsty tyrants agree, appeasements WORKS!)
To: O.C. - Old Cracker
"They all hate the father figure in their sad, pathetic lives and they've transferred that hate onto the American flag."
They hate the concept of a higher moral authority than their own self-centered "if it feels good, do it" approach to living. God, Rules, Constitution, President (who believes in all of the aforementioned) are anathema to them.
This country has been beseiged by this trash for 50 years. It is time for us to take our country back.
81 posted on
04/07/2003 6:24:34 AM PDT by
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