To: Cacophonous
Of course you can oppose a war and support the young men and women that are fighting it...I see no conflict here.
Supporting the troops necessarily includes boosting their morale when possible, or, at least, not adversely affecting their morale. In fact, when citizens say they support the troops, they can only mean moral support, unless they are actually sending materials, food, etc. However, a lot of these people who claim they support the troops are, at the same time, marching in protests against the war and against the commander-in-chief.
Now, I cannot imagine a greater threat to troop morale than seeing fellow citizens back home protesting the very effort the troops are engaged in. News of these protests are definitely finding their way to the troops in the field, and they lower morale. Perhaps before the actual combat started, anti-war efforts were reasonable, but once they've started, even the expression of anti-war sentiments in public without all of the traffic-blocking and flag-burning, is a slight to the troops engaged in combat.
So, if you oppose the war but you truly support the troops, as you say, then you will refrain from any public statements against the war and the President until the fighting is finished. That is not what these protestors are doing, however. Instead, they are deliberately trying to destroy the morale of ALL who are engaged in the war effort. Those actions are in complete conflict with supporting the troops.
By the way, I have absolutely no problem with fighting this war for US economic or security interests, which is undoubtedly part of what we are doing there, rather than solely for freedom for Iraqis either. If you truly feel that way, than why do you oppose this war?
14 posted on
04/06/2003 7:18:25 PM PDT by
To: fr_freak
It occurs to me that perhaps it would be more correct to say that I oppose the
policies that placed our young men and women in harm's way. My protestations -- and they are pretty tame; again, don't lump me in with the freaks in the streets -- are against the policies, and the only way to get the policies changed is through the Republican/Democratic means established in our country. I write my Congresspukes, my thoughts on here...
By the way, I have absolutely no problem with fighting this war for US economic or security interests, which is undoubtedly part of what we are doing there, rather than solely for freedom for Iraqis either. If you truly feel that way, than why do you oppose this war?
Because we have been told, in no uncertain terms, that that is NOT the reason we are fighting the war, which seems at odds with a capitalist society. (I was even called un-American by some robo-lemming on this site for suggesting it.)
Again, it's the policies I protest, not the troops, and not the magnicifent job they are doing.
To: fr_freak
Now, I cannot imagine a greater threat to troop morale than seeing fellow citizens back home protesting the very effort the troops are engaged in. I can. They don't give a rat's ass about the anti-war protesters. Troop morale is much more affected by (a) lack of showers, (b) running out of toilet paper, (c) getting sand in their underwear, (d) sleeping in a loud, vibrating metal can while (e) getting a layer of diesel smoke over their entire bodies, and (f) running out of cigarettes while (g) not getting hot coffee.
THAT impacts morale. But they put up with it. Its part of the job and it lets them play with all the cool toys they have trained with.
To: fr_freak
So, if you oppose the war but you truly support the troops, as you say, then you will refrain from any public statements against the war and the President until the fighting is finished. That is not what these protestors are doing, however. Instead, they are deliberately trying to destroy the morale of ALL who are engaged in the war effort. Those actions are in complete conflict with supporting the troops. Well said.
36 posted on
04/06/2003 8:06:01 PM PDT by
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