Mikenola, for informal rallies like the ones we are now having, the Korean Monument Park across from Lakeside Shopping Center is ideal. Parking is available on the neutral ground for quite a few cars, and there is a place for people to sit, since there is a cement wall which is ideal sitting height. And since the intersection of Causeway and Vets is one of the busiest in this area, there are lots of cars to honk.
On the other hand, for large, formal rallies like the one we had in Kenner on March 21st, it's difficult to get permission from local authorities, without being asked to put up large amounts of money for police, insurance, porto-potties, etc. Since we don't have any funds for these rallies, we were very fortunate that the city of Kenner allowed us to have our big rally for free. We love Kenner, America's city!
There *has* to be a way to make a French Qtr. rally happen. I don't have a lot of contacts with the city, but I'm going to look into it. I just emailed David Tyree about it.