To: Pro-Bush
The B-52's re-deployed recently made that crystal clear.
2 posted on
04/04/2003 9:34:28 PM PST by
("Essiri sempri la santu fora la chiesa.")
To: ffusco
I don't believe for a second that North Korea will even spit in Japan's direction. They know that Dubya will vaporize them if they fire a nuke. Who is laughing at Ronald Regan's StarWars idea now? hmm.....
3 posted on
04/04/2003 9:37:09 PM PST by
To: ffusco
The B-52's re-deployed recently made that crystal clear.
I heard about the B-2's, but didn't hear about B-52's...Thanks for the update!
5 posted on
04/04/2003 9:42:50 PM PST by
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