Regards, Ivan
1 posted on
04/04/2003 3:40:38 PM PST by
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To: Pokey78; Freedom'sWorthIt; Carolina; patricia; annyokie; Citizen of the Savage Nation; cgk; ...
2 posted on
04/04/2003 3:40:53 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
Pretty much my thoughts, also.
To: MadIvan
7 posted on
04/04/2003 4:10:29 PM PST by
Servant of the Nine
(We are the Hegemon. We can do anything we damned well please.)
To: MadIvan
"Rumsfeld International".......ROFL!
To: MadIvan
The guy's got it nailed dead.
17 posted on
04/04/2003 4:28:35 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
"I can't say this strikes me as a 25-roll war" Classic.
18 posted on
04/04/2003 4:29:01 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
I love Mark Steyn.
Maybe an errant JDAM will hit Robbie Fisk. Some will attend his funeral, most won't.
19 posted on
04/04/2003 4:29:26 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
Waaay too much logic in there for the average liberal to comprehend.
20 posted on
04/04/2003 4:32:40 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
21 posted on
04/04/2003 4:38:07 PM PST by
To: MadIvan
God in blue-on-blue incident, misses Fisk, hits Kelly.
22 posted on
04/04/2003 4:41:18 PM PST by
(Hitlery: das Butch von Buchenvald)
To: MadIvan
Iraq has no general, just the odd paunchy yes-man who plays one on TV. That wouldn't be as funny if it weren't literally true.
To: MadIvan
I have to agree, the Iraqui's are the army that forgot to fight. We gave them the invitation and not many showed up. It will be incredibly boring to hear the nay-sayers and the retired-so-and-so generals and un-named Pentagon sources and former White House and former Defense Dept. want-to-be's dissect and pick this war apart. I can really wait, personally.
Our current leadership did exactly as they said they were going to do, and they have led superbly and they will deliver the goods that it takes to finish this nasty business. We are seeeing the difference between 2 camps, the one talks a good fight and the real guys finish the fight. We are finishing this fight. Many thanks to our British and Aussie partners and also to the rest of our coalition partners. God Bless them for having the guts for this fight.
To: MadIvan
The best thing is to ignore the various scenarios and look at patterns of behaviour. Whatever happened in that bunker on Thursday morning, the Iraqis are certainly acting as if they're headless.
My theory is that they were frantically digging trying to find Saddam ... Crying, Where did you hide our WMD's?
reposting this here
32 posted on
04/04/2003 9:49:41 PM PST by
To: Lady In Blue
To: MadIvan; Pokey78
As I write, coalition forces are rolling into the center of Baghdad. The left is going to be apoplectic in their analysis. They continue to reveal themselves for what they are....spineless, pseudo-intellectual, amoral, whining idiots who wish the world would just hunker down in their basements while dicussing the merits and spirituality of orgasm. God, how I detest that "oh so superior attitude"!
Steyn is priceless.
35 posted on
04/05/2003 7:04:47 AM PST by
Lando Lincoln
(God Bless the arsenal of liberty.)
To: MadIvan
I really appreciate your posts and remarks. Thanks so much
36 posted on
04/05/2003 7:07:45 AM PST by
To: MadIvan
Simply The BEST!
To: MadIvan
On Iraqi TV, every Information Minister or Deputy Prime Minister who turns up to read the late Saddam's latest statement is wearing a uniform. In the Iraqi army, hardly anyone is. So many great lines in one Steyn column...
39 posted on
04/05/2003 7:35:17 AM PST by
Dog Gone
To: MadIvan; Pokey78
Ivan - another 'home run' for Steyn. G O A L !
Pokey - thanks for the ping.
I'd really like to see Mark Steyn replace one of the buffoons on just about any cable news panel.
40 posted on
04/05/2003 7:42:24 AM PST by
(All rights reversed)
To: MadIvan
42 posted on
04/05/2003 8:05:03 AM PST by
(HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL: First Avenue, NYC, former site of the U.N.)
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