onto the 'heritage' issue. there is no heritage except the heritage of thumbing your nose at the civil rights movement in the '56 flag. it was adopted by bigots for the express purpose of promoting just what the hate groups who wear the flag today adopted it for. for heritage see the pre-'56 flag. then i can understand the argument. i have nothing against the confederate battle emblem or the stars and bars, but the '56 - '01 flag is not a 'hertiage' i want to celebrate or be a part of. i will vote against any flag resembling the '56 flag in the referendum.
Frankly rattrap, I don't give a rat's A$$ about Atlanta, or how much business Atlanta loses out on. It's the most soulless place on earth because it tries to be everything except what it should be; a SOUTHERN city. It can evolve into one big ole rust heap as far as I'm concerned. Atlanta has nothing to do with my life out here in the REAL Georgia, and that is the way I like it.