I noticed that this man finally mentioned Mexico - Mexico and China have been sacred cows for the administration and all the henchmen. No one wants to touch that.
We can have new relationships with these countries based on what is best for the US. We need, starting right now, to do the same with China and Mexico. Mexico just wants all of the US they can get. China also, but just wait if we take on North Korea - our 'most favored nation', big deficit trading partner will show whose side they are own.
I have an inkling how our 'new world' will be. I got it from a snippet of the press briefing today. President Bush is meeting with several South American leaders next week. It was stated that South America was a peaceful and democratic region???? Now I believe we will be eased into a ECM type alliance with the entire western hemisphere. It has been mentioned before and I think this may be the first step. That may be the reason President Bush is so unwilling to do anything substantive about our borders.
They come out of this smelling like a rose, and have made up with the US by putting the squeeze on Kim Il-Sung using the oil imports...
Happened after they started realizing what a war with the US would be like. Not pretty for them at all. I think we just made Taiwan safe for another *TEN* years, i am willing to wager
Watch for a major rapproachment with China, well before one between the US and France for example...