To: cardinal4; Brian Allen; Libloather; Mudboy Slim; Grampa Dave; The Old Hoosier; skinkinthegrass; ...
Ms. Ayers and Ms. Valentine admitted making false entries to contractual-allowance accounts. Ms. Morgan falsified cash accounts, and Ms. Edwards falsified asset accounts, according to court papers. Mr. Livesay conspired with senior officers to direct the accounting fraud from 1996 to 1999, the papers said. Now isn't that strange as all getout? Nobody figured out what the ladies were doing was illegal.
But then, I keep "forgetting."
All of this occurred during the Clinton-era presidency. Auntie Janet was Clinton's AG.
Presto-chango. All US laws were suspended and/or not enforced.
3 posted on
04/04/2003 10:41:15 AM PST by
To: Liz
You nailed it. From the time BJ Clintoon took over as the chief criminal of the DNC and our country, there was no controlling legal authority.
4 posted on
04/04/2003 10:46:09 AM PST by
Grampa Dave
(Anti America Americans are outing themselves as their side loses in Iraq!)
To: Liz; BOBTHENAILER; FBD; Landru; sultan88; jla; dead; Libloather; backhoe
Good news...walkin' down the KorruptKlintonKlanners one by one...
NEXT, Gary Winnick of Global Crossing!! John Ashcroft...Git Outta the Way!!
5 posted on
04/04/2003 10:59:40 AM PST by
Mudboy Slim
(Soddom'sInsane IS DEAD...Let's Add William Jefferson Clinton to Dubyuh's Axis of Evil!!)
To: Liz
"All of this occurred during the Clinton-era presidency. Auntie Janet was Clinton's AG. Presto-chango. All US laws were suspended and/or not enforced."
If beneficial to the Clintoon cause the above is true. In many other case the Jamit Rhino Gestapo went a little wild.
9 posted on
04/04/2003 11:06:25 AM PST by
Conspiracy Guy
(Caring Rational Alert Professional)
To: Liz; Mudboy Slim
All of this occurred during the Clinton-era presidency. Auntie Janet was Clinton's AG. from the same Justice Department that couldn't figure a legal justification to extract bin Laden from Somalia on a siver platter.
I don't suppose any enterprising reporter has checked these perps for DNC/Clinton contributions during the period in question?
12 posted on
04/04/2003 11:42:34 AM PST by
(Just like Black September. One by one, we're gonna get 'em.)
To: Liz
I was arguing with some libs at work, and they kept throwing the Corporate scandals st me. I then showed through FR and other sources, that the scandals, all of the famous ones anyway, happened during the toons occupation. Enron, etc. In fact Ken Lay was a common visitor to the Clinton White House. When I showed this froma an ABC link,the woman started laughing and said "your hatred of Clinton is so immature that you save "hate articles" on your computer!"
It wasnt worth the effort to explain I found it through ABC's search page.
21 posted on
04/04/2003 2:36:27 PM PST by
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