To: kkindt
Won't He do? Jesus claimed to be God. We Christians believe He is God. So when we are not allowed to pray in His name we are denied our freedom to pray to Him. The length of this thread, and the number of people who just continually talk past each other, proves that the time for prayer before legislative sessions should be done away with entirely.
Sing "Take me out to the ballgame" instead.
To: sinkspur
I'm beginning to think so myself, sink.
How ludicrous that some think every such occasion is one to advance what is actually a POLITICAL agenda.
679 posted on
04/04/2003 1:04:59 PM PST by
(Don't believe every tagline you read - including this one)
To: sinkspur
"The length of this thread, and the number of people who just continually talk past each other, proves that the time for prayer before legislative sessions should be done away with entirely."What IS "proven" is the length that some will people go to distort reality and invalidating an American tradition in the name of their own agendae -- that somehow prayer or the evocation of the Deity of our Founding Fathers is suddenly offensive and taboo.
Adams and Madison would be agast at what is transpiring.
735 posted on
04/04/2003 3:13:03 PM PST by
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