On the contrary. The Ten Commandments are very real to you and to me.
To me, the Jews were and are a Chosen People. The reason why America is great is because she is good and because she is good to the Jews.
You will not find a more emphatic supporter of Israel than yours truly on this forum.
I truly think you misunderstand what I am saying. 'Pod
I've seen enough people, and I can tell that you do not mean bad things you say, but you say them. The phrase "This is a Christian nation" implies by all standards of logic that if one is not a Christian, he is not an American. YOu may not mean it --- and I take your word for it that you do not --- but that is what you say.
Your position amounts to "I am going to be very free with the words, and throw them around freely. If people misunderstand my good intensions, tough luck; ley them grow skin."
Well, you are not at the center of the universe; the language is a two-way street. If you repeat the favorite phraze of the Aryan Nation, I have the right to take it face value without spending an hour of my life to find out that your heart is better than your mouth.
Finally, I showed in a previous post by example, that you wouldn't like it. "Do unto others..."
I appreciate and accept the clarification you gave. Let's call it a night, shall we?
Have a happy Easter holiday, if I don't see you before then.