Bahgdad has 3 airfields that the Iraqis could strike from. The flight time from those airfield are about 2 minutes before they are over our forces that are converging on Bahgdad.
I tend to agree. They could have hidden migs in barns, etc, anywhere in Iraq. And a hard surface road could serve as the landing strip. I don't doubt that at least a few of them could get in the air, and possibly make it to Baghdad before we get them. The flight times are just so short.
But the real question, I think, is whether the pilots are going to be willing to do that. And I'd guess that their command and control is so degraded that it would take them a bit of time to get good targeting information. So we might be able to shoot them down before they deliver anything. Bahgdad has 3 airfields that the Iraqis could strike from. The flight time from those airfield are about 2 minutes before they are over our forces that are converging on Bahgdad.