Only a moron would claim suporting troops and opposing the war. This is an all volunteer military. Those who are in it signed up before there was any war to fight. by doing so they agreed to fight a war, any war to which they were sent. The troops agreed with Bush before he made war against iraq. Bush and the troops are of one mind. Anti-American extreme leftists villify Bush and by their consent the troops. When soldiers were conscripted and had no choice about the war they were fighting the anti-American left spit on soldiers. Now they are claiming they support the troops who committed themselves to the war before it became a possibility. Not possible. Just proves the anti-American left is just against Bush no matter what he does.
Soldiers who join an all volunteer Army to defend their country do not become mindless robots in doing so. I personally take exception to such implied insult of our soldiers, especially in time of war, when so many of them are risking so much.
When a Soldier takes that oath, they do not stop being the same Americans they were prior to taking that oath. They carry into the military all the same prejudices and political views they had prior to joining. Among such views, may be opposition to U.S. foreign policy as well as opposition to war itself. Many others acquire such views after getting in the Army. Soldiers are human, and like all humans, each of them acquire their own unique views of the world around them.
What makes soldiers unique, is that they will follow through on what ever mission they believe to be lawful, regardless of their own political views of that mission. In other words, they set them selves apart from the rest of the country, by serving the country.