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Gore Defends the Dixie Chicks
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Posted on 04/01/2003 8:41:40 AM PST by RockSolid
(3/31/03, 7 a.m. ET) -- The Dixie Chicks controversy continues with the trio getting some support from former Vice President Al Gore. Gore spoke to a college audience last week on the subject of fewer companies owning more media outlets, and what he sees as the increasing lack of tolerance for opposing views.
According to the Tennessean, Gore used recent attacks on the Dixie Chicks that followed anti-war comments by Natalie Maines as an example. Gore told the audience, "They were made to feel un-American and risked economic retaliation because of what was said. Our democracy has taken a hit," Gore said. "Our best protection is free and open debate."
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Free Republic; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: albertgorejunior; algore; algorejunior; ditzichicks; goredixiechicks; lockbox; riskyscheme; runslikeagirl; stillneedsajob; stuffedinlocker; tookmomtoprom; vichychicks
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posted on
04/01/2003 8:41:40 AM PST
To: RockSolid
Another reason why Gore will never be President.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:43:00 AM PST
(resetting the record)
To: RockSolid
"Our best protection is free and open debate."
Wow! I agree with Algore!! The Dixie Chicks ARE free to mouth off... and I am free to disagree with them and vote with my hard-earned dollars.
Buzz off, Al.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:44:36 AM PST
(Please, Lord, prevent unnecessary casualties in this conflict...and maximize the necessary ones!)
To: demlosers
Thank God, Gore will never be President, Or will ever serve as a Journalist covering a war, he would be just like peter arnet.
To: RockSolid
"Our democracy has taken a hit," Gore said. "Our best protection is free and open debate."WE ARE A REPUBLIC, AL!
posted on
04/01/2003 8:45:20 AM PST
Zavien Doombringer
(If I could get a degree in trivia, I would have my Doctorate!)
To: RockSolid
The Golem speaks!
To: RockSolid
What's the matter, Al... no one has thought about you in a few months? Miss the spotlight? Poor guy...
posted on
04/01/2003 8:45:47 AM PST
(Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad!)
To: RockSolid
"Our best protection is free and open debate." And, of course, a free and open market where consumers can educate themselves about the products they buy, and exercise their entertainment options.
To: RockSolid
Gore is launching out into the arena of capitalism, hoping to revive Apple Computer, and now the Dixie Chicks. Too bad about Apple. I kind of liked having them around.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:46:18 AM PST
To: RockSolid
If the Chicks would just do a free USO show this would all go away..
posted on
04/01/2003 8:46:22 AM PST
To: RockSolid
posted on
04/01/2003 8:46:29 AM PST
To: demlosers
Gee, does that mean that all the civil rights leaders who used boycotts to end discrimination were wrong? Does that mean that we shouldn't boycott someone who expressly advocates racism?
What a load of garbage. The left fully supports economic retaliation and ostracism as legitimate tools on tons of issues. They may not believe it is right in this case because they disagree on the substance of the statement. But for them to attack the concept of boycotts is ridiculous.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:46:37 AM PST
To: RockSolid
Yes Al, and they were freely and openly denounced. In a free and open society, your patriotism can be freely and openly questioned.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:46:44 AM PST
To: RockSolid
"Our best protection is free and open debate." To Algore only liberal views should be protected and not a word said by conservatives. Open and free debate applies to both sides. F**k off Algore. Go invent something.
To: RockSolid
Maybe Al should now understand why people do not like what he has to say. Of course the majority of Americans could be wrong.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:47:37 AM PST
To: CaptainJustice
PAGING REGISTERED!!!! PAGING REGISTERED!!!!!!We need an Al Gore Blixie Chicks CD cover, post haste.
To: RockSolid
"They were made to feel un-American and risked economic retaliation because of what was said. Our democracy has taken a hit," Gore saidWhat an idiot - another one that thinks free speech means that everyone that disagrees has to take a favorable attitude and support those that they don't agree with. According to Gore, if I don't like what the Dixie Chicks stand for, I should still buy their music or "Democracy takes a hit". All the more scary that he was VP and a strong runner for the top banana job...
posted on
04/01/2003 8:48:00 AM PST
To: RockSolid
I have never seen anyone who displayed such long term residual effects of chronic marijuanna abuse as Al Gore. Or maybe he just like fat broads.
To: RockSolid
Our democracy has taken a hit," Gore said. "Our best protection is free and open debate."
Al apparently is against common people, as consumers, making free choices regarding acceptable terms of debate.
However, he and Tipsy led the charge to have the government label acceptable and unacceptable music lyrics in the eighties.
The "common folk" are apparently too stupid for the task, and should concede their choices to Al and Tipsy.
posted on
04/01/2003 8:48:32 AM PST
To: RockSolid
Opposing Views
Nothing wrong with opposing views, FReepers just happen to be on the "RIGHT" side of every argument... :c)
posted on
04/01/2003 8:49:02 AM PST
(Philadelphia - The 104% voter turnout city)
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