To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
Yes, CNN's coverage is sickening that they can't bring themselves to say a positive thing about our troops or any progress we've made. I switched to MSNBC and Lester Holt seems to be doing a great job covering this breaking story. There is hope, I guess. CNN is reaping (in the form of sliding ratings) what they've sown over the years...
306 posted on
03/25/2003 9:53:50 AM PST by
To: rocky88
Just curious.. can you get Fox?
325 posted on
03/25/2003 9:57:01 AM PST by
(A closed mind is like a parachute that won't open...... dangerous and fatal.)
To: rocky88
"Lester Holt"
Not a bad guy, but can't he wipe that perpetual grin off his face? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson