To: ReleaseTheHounds
Awesome post.
Perhaps we can start a *Krugman_list and contribute to this effort.
Krugman's lies hold way too much sway.
(IMO - he knows he is lying, but lives by "the end justifies the means" approach to further his socialist agenda.)
7 posted on
03/24/2003 9:27:06 AM PST by
(All forms of socialism deny individuals the right to the fruits of their labor)
To: Triple
"end justifies the means" is a classic from Saul Alinski's radical playbook. Amazing how many Dems play by Alinski's radical rules--biggest fan of his is Hillary Clinton, who brought the "great" man to speak at Yale where they founded a mutual admiration society. Another radical rule used by the left is lie, lie, lie, because many are going to believe it, and many are going to react and go defensive instead of doing what this Krugman Truth Squad is doing--confronting and deconstructing.
Our Tusc. AL paper is owned by NY Times. I quit taking it years ago, but they still call. I always tell them they are too liberal for me and this area because they pub. Krugman, Dowd, etc.
12 posted on
03/24/2003 1:14:21 PM PST by
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