Where do you get this from? "Just regular people"? They hold a world view that will mean the deaths of Jews and Christians in order to establish their damnable worldwide Kaliphate. Wake up while you have the time.
If you can provide proof otherwise, I will drop this argument. If you can't, then perhaps you shouldn't lead with "where do you get this from?"
Amen. The BASIS of their so-called relegion is the brutal slaughter of Christians and Jews. It isn't optional. To claim to be be a muslim but to deny this would be like claiming to be a Catholic while denying the divinity of Jesus or the authority of the Pope. Islam is not a cafeteria religion like some of these new-age outfits in the U.S. where you pick and choose. Bloodletting of Jews and Christians is mohammedanism, part-and-parcel.
This moham in Kuwait today shows how self-hating we are as a society, how bent either consciously or sub-consciously on self-destruction we are by tolerating those who would kill us---tolerating them not just as our neighbors but enlisting them to DEFEND us!
These people say we hate you, we will kill you, we will disembowell you after raping boys and mutilating your women... And our response is, oh, you wonderful diverse and noble creatures of the desert. Welcome to our home, we will provide you jobs, would you like to join our military?