I have used this alias for a while. It based on a childrens story The Mouse and his Child by Russell Hoban. HBO did an animated version of the story in the early 1980s and that is how I came to know of it Basically it is story of a windup toy that consists of a mouse adult (a father) and a mouse child that are attached at the hands (remember it is a windup toy). They set off on an adventure to become self-winding. At one point in the adventure they get tossed into a stream. At the bottom of the stream was trash and debris including an empty can of dog food (named Bonz I believe). Anyway the Mouse and his child are trying to figure out how to get out of the stream the child mouse is looking at the can of dog food the can has picture of a dog holding a can of the dog food that has a picture of a dog holding a can of dog food that has a picture of a dog
.ad infinitum. As I remember, a fish comes up and tells them they will find the answer if they look beyond the Last Visible Dog - sounded pithy so I started using it.