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To: tallhappy
Interesting and sad.

I may not be a Christian but I strongly believe that anyone and everyone should be able to practice their way of faith without being restricted by anyone else or any form of government. (ironically, this is why I also support separation of Church and State)

I was surprised when I first met my Fiancé and she told me that she was a Christian. Upon hearing this, I asked her what denomination of Christianity she belonged to, she simply replied..."I'm just a Christian, I believe in Jesus and I that's all that matters to me."

Later, she told me that she had never attended a "real" church, only meetings that were held in private by others who shared the same belief as her and that she hoped I could take her to church every Sunday whenever we returned to America.

Anyway, I find disgustingly pathetic that the Chinese government continues to claim that they promote freedom of religion in their country at the very same time they are instigating various forms of oppression against it in the countryside's.

The Chinese government claims that they allow their people to practice their own faith freely as long as it has been approved of by the state.

That is very ironic because to me a state dictated religion is nothing more than a cult, something they accuse the Falun Gong of being and thereby either putting their members to death or shipping them off to some "reeducation" camp..

My time in China has certainly made me appreciate what I have in the states a lot more.
32 posted on 06/23/2003 5:12:00 PM PDT by Enemy Of The State (Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.)
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To: tallhappy
Re:#33 oops...sorry, right reply, wrong thread!

I guess it is rather fitting though...

34 posted on 06/23/2003 5:18:42 PM PDT by Enemy Of The State (Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.)
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To: Enemy Of The State
I may not be a Christian but I strongly believe that anyone and everyone should be able to practice their way of faith without being restricted by anyone else or any form of government.

Me too. That's why I think Falun Gong, which to my mind is weird stuff, should not be tortured either.

I get angry and have little patience when sometiomes Christians do not seem to care, or worse, about Falun Gong perescution.

35 posted on 06/23/2003 5:35:06 PM PDT by tallhappy
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To: Enemy Of The State; tallhappy
Re you #32.

The Chinese Communist Party cannot tolerate any religion because they are the biggest and most evil cult existed in human history. They want the people to see them as gods. How can they allow other religions to contest their authority and untouchable position?
39 posted on 08/05/2003 8:39:33 PM PDT by FreepForever (Communist China is the hub of all evil)
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