1. Unmarked cars attempted to make a stop by 'boxing in'
2. In the attempt, the suspect attempted to flee.
Law enforcement report:
"Federal officials say the car pulled away from the house at high speed with the headlights off. When agents tried to box the car in, they say, the girl kept coming toward them and crashed into their vehicle, then threw the car into reverse and rammed the DEA vehicle behind her."
So actually:
1. The suspect attempted to flee.
2. Unmarked police vehicles blocked the attempt by 'boxing in'
Your assertion had things backwards.
That is, "police" cars that look like ordinary cars, and "cops" who are dressed in plainclothes pointing guns at me and shouting.
Sorry for the confusion about ordering. By the way, what you stated was not an undisputed fact in this case. Nobody, the cops or the family, has claimed that the girl was 'trying to flee' as you have chosen to phrase it. Unless that's Roscoespeak for "drive a car."