The arm is fine, other than itching..:))
Return to doctor Thursday of next week.
Spring HAS sprung here, thousands of Bradford pear trees all over town with their beautiful white blossoms - Japanese tulip trees with lavender flowers - dogwood ends fattening, on the brink!
Tomorrow is supposed to be 78 degrees.
Special sustaining prayers for you and Jack going forth.....
Did you get that knitting needle for scratching? AND...I do not wish to hear about your spring. Here we sit in all this bleakness and cold, with the forests looking like a 100 mile wide tornado had gone through and striped all the trees and toppled over millions of them. We should have been declared a disaster area but we weren't. LOL. I'm sure all the politicians figure that WV is always a disaster and this time was no big deal. I'm longing for spring. I have seen one robin, so that's a good sign.